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Healthy Forests, Communities & Lumber

WI ACF’s mission is to enhance the health of our public & private forests through enforcement of sound forestry practices.

Providing a positive forest environment

Sustained Yield Timber Harvests

WI ACF is a state trade association whose purpose is to advocate for sustained yield timber harvests on public timberlands throughout Wisconsin to enhance forest health and resistance to fire, insects, and disease. We do this by promoting active management to attain productive public forests, protect adjoining private forests, and assure community stability. We work to improve federal and state laws, regulations, policies and decisions regarding access to and management of public forest lands and protection of all forest lands.

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Advance Your Knowledge

It is a goal of WI ACF to provide you with the resources you need to advance your knowledge of the forest products industry and the current state of our public and private forests. Choose from our list of categories below to get started.



Stay In Touch

The WI ACF Newsletter highlights state, regional, national and global issues influencing the operating environment of our nation’s forests and forest products industry. These newsletters are your go-to source for things you should know.



Learn What’s Happening

View the latest events and meetings taking place across the state. We bring you the latest topics, current themes and subjects of conversation which aim to effect our public and private forest industry. Make sure you are always informed.

The ultimate goal of WI ACF’s programs and initiatives is to advance our members’ ability to practice socially and scientifically responsible forestry on both public and private forest lands.

Newsletter Sign-up

The latest information from the forestry industry. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

I appreciate receiving the WIAFC News; you’re a good representative of both the forestry products industry and all of us who benefit from it. Thanks for your tireless search for things we need to know.

Dave JohnsonWAFC Member